A three pronged strategy by this government is to (1) repair the financial hole in the UK's finances, repair the damage to public services, and (3) encourage and promote growth.
Its a sound and sensible economic approach, and it could ALMOST be a Tory plan, except that it does include investing in our public services, which to be honest is not very "Conservative", and something that the Conservatives did not do over the last 14 years.
Yesterday ( Tuesday 29th October ) I had cause to call 999 and request an ambulance
A lady of about early 70s suddenly became ill and drifted into uncosciousness / semi unconsciousness.
The person at ambulance control explained that the ambulance could be up to 2 hours ( the nearest ambulance station is about a mile away ).
In the end I got a wheelchair and helped the lady into her husbands car, and suggested he drove her to the local UTC ( Urgent Treatment Centre ).
In my area, I have increasingly seen more and more private ambulances, sometimes with sirens and blue lights flashing, yet the nearest private ambulances are well over 20 miles away, why are ambulances been sent on 20+ miles emergency call outs ?, why is there not enough NHS ambulances ?
How come this NEVER happened 14 years ago ?
Why are ambulance response times today so frightening ?
I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that public services are in a terrible mess, you only have to look at the 14 years of no investment in prisons, and what that has led to.
The OPENING POST asks what the £20 to £40 Billion is to be spent on, and how will it benefit ordinary people ?
The simple answer is that you wont die waiting for an ambulance, potentially dangerous criminals wont be released early, the Immigration & Border Force will have enough staff and proper resources, your children will not sit in classrooms falling to pieces, public transport will begin to operate for the benefit of the public.